Discover if your ancestor graduated from the University of New Zealand.
Discover if your ancestor graduated from the University of New Zealand.
Each result will provide you with a transcript:
First name(s)
Last name
Year – graduation year
Wendy Leahy has transcribed these records. Please note that your ancestor may appear multiple times in the records, which means there would be multiple transcripts associated with your ancestor. These transcripts were created from the following records:
Honorary Graduates
Graduates 1870-1939, inclusive
Graduates 1939-1948, inclusive
Diplomas up to 1948
Graduates 1949-1958, inclusive
Graduates 1958-1959, inclusive
Graduates 1959-1960, inclusive
Graduates 1961-1963
Diplomas from 1948
Up until 1961, there was only one degree-granting university in New Zealand: the University of New Zealand. It included the following colleges: Auckland, Victoria, Canterbury, and Otago (which kept the title of ‘university’ but granted diplomas under the University of New Zealand). Later, the agricultural colleges of Massey and Lincoln and the theological college of St Johns were included. However, occasionally in these records foreign universities are listed.
Begin your search broadly with just a first and last name.
If you have an idea of when your ancestor would have graduated, include a year with a range of at least +/- 2 years.
Use the optional keywords field to search by college, degree, or other term that you think might be included in your ancestor’s record.